Cambiaso Breaks His Silence on Manchester City ChatterCambiaso Breaks His Silence on Manchester City Chatter.Add to your bookmarks
Man City prepare £51m bid as Guardiola pushes for key summer signingMan City prepare £51m bid as Guardiola pushes for key summer signing.Add to your bookmarks
Cambiaso: ‘Juventus want Atalanta next, still not at 100 per cent’Cambiaso: ‘Juventus want Atalanta next, still not at 100 per cent’.Add to your bookmarks
Man City remain keen on Juventus ace Andrea Cambiaso with summer move plannedMan City remain keen on Juventus ace Andrea Cambiaso with summer move planned.Add to your bookmarks
Report Juventus have opposite plans for Kalulu and CambiasoReport Juventus have opposite plans for Kalulu and Cambiaso.Add to your bookmarks
Juventus, Inter, and Lazio Hit by a Few New InjuriesJuventus, Inter, and Lazio Hit by a Few New Injuries.Add to your bookmarks
New injury problems for Juventus with Cambiaso and Douglas LuizNew injury problems for Juventus with Cambiaso and Douglas Luiz.Add to your bookmarks
Juventus and Man City Weren’t Close on Cambiaso DealJuventus and Man City Weren’t Close on Cambiaso Deal.Add to your bookmarks